Signup at Review mantra and get free 20 Rs Recharge

Review mantra a platform to share your views,experiences about various products and services is offering free 20 Rs recharge as a signup bonus for all the new users,this website provides us an opportunity to give and view reviews for products to know what other people think about a particular product/service,Thus Review mantra helps businesses to know the mind set of consumers,their thinking pattern etc,this is done by presentation of questionnaires and other mediums.

The benefit is two way for doing all this consumers get rewards like free mobile,in addition to guaranteed free recharge ,users can get other prizes for their review on the basis of lucky draws,this will help take marketing to a new level,with the cooperation of the consumers.
How to get free recharge for signup:
1- just go to this link and click on the signup button from top right,
2-Now input your full name,select gender,input date of birth(like:10-04-1994),10 digit mobile number,select your operator,network type,your profession,email,education qualification,occupation,annual income,state,city then select an I’d proof PAN or voter id(Mandatory to get the recharge) and provide the number,Provide your social user name,finally accept the terms and signup.
Once you have signed up successfully you will get a message Thank you ,your subscription has been recorded and request will be processed after successful verification,now just wait your recharge will be processed within 24 hours,make sure you provide valid pan/voter id details,the pan name must match up with the user’s name.
Signup at Review mantra and get free 20 Rs Recharge Signup at Review mantra and get free 20 Rs Recharge Reviewed by Unknown on 9:09:00 AM Rating: 5

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