Fastest way to shutdown the PC, Create a shortcut for all your favorite websites

Hello Today I am telling You to ShutDown Your PC Fastly.
If Want to turn off your pc instantly without following any route, you are needs to follow some below steps :-
This will let you create a shortcut to shut down the PC instantly.

  • Goto Desktop Right click > new > shortcut
  • In the shortcut input the following string and click next %windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -s -t 0
  • save the shortcut as shut down.

Double click on this icon when ever you want to turn off the PC next time.
:-Create a shortcut for all your favorite websites:-

Create a shortcut to open up all your favorite websites using notepad,this will let you access all your favorite websites instantly without opening each of them separately everytime.
a)Press Windows key+r and type notepad,
b)hit enter and in notepad type the following
@echo off
start “Facebook” “”
ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
start “Google+” “”
start “Twitter” “”
start “Gmail” “”
start “Yahoo” “”
c)Save the file as Good morning sites.bat
d)Open the file to open all your sites instantly.
Replace the URLs listed above with your favorite websites,these websites will open up with the default browser set on your computer.

Fastest way to shutdown the PC, Create a shortcut for all your favorite websites Fastest way to shutdown the PC,   Create a shortcut for all your favorite websites Reviewed by Unknown on 3:47:00 AM Rating: 5

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