[Stoped]Get 50 paytm cashback on Recharge of Rs 100 + Refer and Earn 50 paytm cash per refer

How to get Rs 50 cashback on Rs100 recharge:-
1 . Download Magictiger app from here
2. Now open the app and enter registration details.
Enter referral code – ONJX0N (to get 50 cashback)
Verify the mobile number using one time password
4. Now click on top left icon >> Add Paytm Account
5. Now chat with MagicTiger customer care and provide them details of your recharge of Rs 100 or more like mobile number and operator
6. That’s it !! Rs 100 will be deducted from your paytm wallet and recharge of Rs 100 will be done.Rs 50 paytm cashback will be added to your paytm account within 24 hours if you used the referral code in Step 2


Not only you get Rs 50 paytm cash on your first transaction of Rs 100 or more but also you can refer your friends to get Rs 50 paytm cash per each successful referral.
1 . Click on top left icon >> Refer and Earn
2. Now share your referral code with your friends
3. If your friend downloads the magictiger app and uses your referral code and makes a transaction of Rs 100 or more, you and your friend both will get Rs 50 paytm cash within 24 hours.
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[Stoped]Get 50 paytm cashback on Recharge of Rs 100 + Refer and Earn 50 paytm cash per refer [Stoped]Get 50 paytm cashback on Recharge of Rs 100 + Refer and Earn 50 paytm cash per refer Reviewed by ANAND PANDEY on 9:46:00 AM Rating: 5

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